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Allied Tank Attack AIR Twin Deluxe

SKU: 908


Innovative Tank Battle Simulator That Seats Two Players
Installed Dimensions: Height: 85″, Width: 60″, Depth: 90″ Weight (lbs): 1406
Electrical: 220V @ 2000W per unit (requires a 220V plug/source)
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Injoy Motion / Barron Games International




Take the fight to the Axis Forces and save the world from the “Phantom Armor” in this unique, alternate World War II video game by InJoy Motion and Barron Games.

Allied Tank Attack offers three games in one thanks to the presence of three game modes: “Story Mode”, “Battle Mode” and “Survival Mode”. These modes operate as follows:

  1. Story Mode – Fight over two campaigns across Europe, battling enemies and giant bosses as you seek out the enemy HQ to put an end to the war once and for all. The story unfolds through characters and voice acting as you progress across the contintent
  2. Battle Mode – Mainly designed for link play, this is also available in single player where you fight the computer. It is a straight-forward mission where you are to destroy the enemy base before they destroy yours (within the given time limit)
  3. Survival Mode – See how long you can survive against wave after wave of enemy vehicles and tanks – including some of the giant bosses! Collect power-ups like the rocket, extra health and extra time.

At the beginning of each Mode, players get to design their own tank. Select from six base tanks and ten different turret configurations including the standard cannon, missile rack, sniper cannon, flame thrower and more. Control the action using a force feedback steering yoke controller (allows for up/down aiming as well as steering) and a forward/reverse pedal system.

The main thing to stand out with this game is the use of InJoy’s unique “AIR” motion system. Instead of using expensive electromechanical arms to give the seat 3-axis motion, this uses more reliable and less expensive air bladders. This revolution in motion gaming means more up-time and higher earnings without driving up the cost.

The Deluxe model features a 55″ monitor and a unique control setup – here, one player is the driver  (with control over the main cannon) while the right seat has their own mounted force feedback light-gun which is used to operate a turret. This innovative design is unlike anything else in the arcade and you can link multiple units for stronger earnings!

Barron Games’ Allied Tank Attack Twin Deluxe  Features:

– Exclusive to arcades! Not available on any home console or mobile device

– Deluxe model features a Yoke controller for the driver side; mounted force feedback light-gun on the passenger side

– Motion simulator using InJoy’s innovative AIR motion system – drives down cost and maintenance!

– Deep gameplay with three modes providing something for everyone

– Twin seat configuration can link up to four ATA cabinets for multiplayer war! With Deluxe models, that means 8 player mayhem!

– Design your own tank on every play to see what works best for you

– Skippable tutorial helps beginners quickly learn how the game controls and plays

– Voice acting provides player engagement as the story unfolds

– Graphics displayed on a 55″ 720p display; Custom PC-based hardware running on Windows XP

– Built-in air compressor provides lift for the seat

– Force feedback yoke steering controller plus force feedback seat that rumbles and provides G-Force during boosts!

– Ships with an electronic coin comparator; card swipe ready

Also available in a single-seater cabinet!

– Total Occupant Weight Limit: 660 lbs

Do you have more questions or are you ready to buy?

Call our friendly sales staff for more information or email us here!
