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Race & Battle To Fight To The Finish
Installed Dimensions: H: 112″ W: 49″ D: 96.5″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Play In The Addams Family World To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Making Beer Pong a Virtual Game For Your Home!
Installed Dimensions: H: 63″ W: 24″ D: 104″ Weight: 500lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 34″ W: 30″ D: 110″ Weight: 575lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Valley-Dynamo
Play The Quarterback To Prove Yourself A Champion
Installed Dimensions: H: 98″ W: 41″ D: 120″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: ICE
Shoot Hoops With A Friend For Fun or For Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 75″ W: 67″ D: 59″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V @ 500W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: ICE
Become A Robot Fighter In Augmented Reality Style
Installed Dimensions: H: 83″ W: 57″ D: 98″ Weight: 441lbs/
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V @ 600W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: IGS / Amusement Source International
A Classic Car With An Interactive Twist
Installed Dimensions: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: JET Games
The Biggest Of The Toybox Bunch
Installed Dimensions: H: 98.5″ W: 59″ D: 39.5″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Uses An LCD Marquee To Grab More Attention
Installed Dimensions: H: 88″ W: 31.5″ D: 38″ Weight: 353lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 88.5″ W: 44″ D: 34.5″ Weight: 397lbs.
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Double The Players, Double The Earnings
Installed Dimensions: H: 89″ W: 63″ D: 38″ Weight: 635lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 94″ W: 66″ D: 42″ Weight: 706lbs.
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Grab Those Prizes In Style
Installed Dimensions: H: 89″ W: 31.5″ D: 38″ Weight: 351lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 88.5″ W: 44″ D: 34.5″ Weight: 397lbs.
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
2 Cranes In 1 Means Awesome Earnings
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: Please call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Stunt Racing For The Whole Family
Installed Dimensions: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Ace Amusement/Amusement Source International
A Compacted Version Of The Popular XD Dark Ride
Installed Dimensions: H: 155″ W: 120″ D: 109.5″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 240V @ 20A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: TrioTech
Explore & Play With The Dinosaurs
Installed Dimensions: H: 115″ W: 50″ D: 123″ Weight: 1500lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 120V / 60Hz : 10A each inlet (20A total); 230V available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Raw Thrills Inc.
Blast Targets or Bad Guys For Points or Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 101″ W: 41″ D: 75″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: Ships in 2 boxes:
Box #1: H: 95″ W: 43″ D: 24″ Weight: 485lbs
Box #2: H: 44″ W: 39″ D: 30″ Weight: 177lbs
Electrical: 110V/220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Blast Targets or Bad Guys For Points or Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 91″ W: 34″ D: 68″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: Ships in 2 boxes:
Box #1: H: 83″ W: 34″ D: 25″ Weight: 330lbs
Box #2: H: 39″ W: 25″ D: 30″ Weight: 132lbs
Electrical: 110V/220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Slide The Puck Just Right To Win
Installed Dimensions: H: 96″ W: 32″ D: 82.5″ Weight:705lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 87″ W: 36″ D: 90″ Weight:783lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 120~125W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Komuse USA
Splatter The Wild Animals With A Paint Gun
Installed Dimensions: H: 107″ W: 79″ D: 97″
Shipping Dimensions: Call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Air Hockey with NHL Branding
Installed Dimensions: H: 62″ (due to marquee) W: 49″ D: 93″ Weight: 680lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: 90″ x 30″ x 68″ Weight: CALL
Electrical: 110V @ 7A (220V Option available)
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Innovative Concepts In Entertainment (ICE)
Race for Tickets Or For Points
Installed Dimensions: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Amusement Source International
Grab The Smurfs For Yourself
Installed Dimensions: H: 94″ W:35″ D: 42″ Weight:640lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 115V @ 1.4A, 126~145W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Elaut USA
Play To Win Smurfs Cards & Toys!
Installed Dimensions: H: 92″ W: 68.5″ D: 42″ Weight:948lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V @ 2A, 201~226W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Elaut USA
Air Hockey With Awesome LED Animations
Installed Dimensions: H: 84″ W: 65″ D: 89″ Weight: 441lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 18″ W: 63″ D: 89″ Weight: 518lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 6A, 660W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements
Hack, Slash, Stomp, and Smash Your Way Across
Installed Dimensions: H: 69″ W:28″ D: 25.5″ Weight: 235lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year [cabinet]; 90 days [electronics]
Manufacturer: DSM Arcade / Fun Company
Fast Retro Action For Home Or Business
Installed Dimensions: H: 71″ W: 26″ D: 60″ Weight: 210lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: DSM Arcade / Fun Company
Rubber Duckies Fit For A King
Installed Dimensions: H: 81″ W: 59″ D: 60″
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coast To Coast Entertainment
Defend Your Castle From The Flying Invaders
Installed Dimensions: H: 92.25″ W: 38″ D: 33.25″ Weight:380lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year via the factory
Manufacturer: Boxblaster / Benchmark Games / Elaut USA
Splatter The Wild Animals With A Paint Gun
Installed Dimensions: H: 85″ W: 55″ D: 83″
Shipping Dimensions: Call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Who Will Win – The Cat Or The Mouse?
Installed Dimensions: H: 70″ W: 55.5″ D: 90.5″
Shipping Dimensions: Call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements
Enjoy Legitimate Arcade Classics On This Official Classic Arcade Machine!
Installed Dimensions: H: 68″ W: 24″ D: 33″ Approx. 260 lbs
Shipping Dimensions: H: 71″ W: 29″ D: 37″ 272lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements
Fire The Cannon, Win Tickets!
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: JET Games USA
The Ultimate Shark Hunt!
Installed Dimensions: H: 75.5″ W: 21″ D: 55″ Weight: 250 lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 56″ W: 31″ D: 31″ Weight: 280 lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 8A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Stern Pinball
Go On A Shark Hunt!
Installed Dimensions: H: 75.5″ W: 21″ D: 55″ Weight: 250 lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 56″ W: 31″ D: 31″ Weight: 280 lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 8A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Stern Pinball
A Digital/Analog Hybrid Experience
Installed Dimensions: H: 101″ W:73″ D:48″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 400W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Blast The Bad Guys In The Skies!
Installed Dimensions: H: 87″ W:86″ D:65″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 600W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Are You Ready For Some Football?
Installed Dimensions: H: 161″ W: 60″ D: 163″ Weight: 1618lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: Please Call; Weight: 2114lbs.
Electrical: 110V/220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bay Tek Entertainment
The World’s Most Popular Arcade Game As An Air Hockey Table!
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: Call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements
Climb the Alien Tower
Installed Dimensions: H: 103″ W: 70″ D:46″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 350W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Punch Or Kick The Targets When They Are Green
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: IGPM Group / Kalkomat
These Vehicles Don’t Just Race On The Snow!
Installed Dimensions: H: 91″ W: 107″ D: 87″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: 4 packages
1) H: 80″ W: 26″ D: 45″ Weight: 458.5lbs.
2) H: 80″ W: 26″ D: 45″ Weight: 458.5lbs.
3) H: 46″ W: 41″ D: 68″ Weight: 518lbs.
4) H: 46″ W: 41″ D: 68″ Weight: 518lbs.
5) H: 67″ W: 26″ D: 45″ Weight: 388lbs.
Electrical: 110V / 27.2A @ 3000W (220V available)
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements
Featuring A Real Rope For The Controller
Installed Dimensions: H:150″ W: 73″ D: 60″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bay Tek Entertainment
Surfin’ USA For Kids And Grown-up!
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Push The Big Orbs Over The Edge And Win Big!
Installed Dimensions: H:104″ W: 97″ D: 67″ Weight: 408lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: 51.5″ x 36.5″ x 85″ Weight: 463lbs.
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Join Forces With Superman To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H:111″ W: 46″ D: 87″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Benchmark Games International
Skillfully Launch The Ball To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 92″ W: 32″ D: 82″ Weight:679lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: 2.27 * 0.92 * 2.21m (388kgs)
Electrical: 110V @ 120~125W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Komuse USA
Prize Winning Excitement With A Twist
Installed Dimensions: H: 98.5″ W: 61.5″ D: 31.5″ Weight: 675lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: 53.5″ x 35.5″ x 83” Weight: 734 lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Offer Up To Four Fabulous Prizes
Installed Dimensions: H: 83″ W: 83.5″ D: 26″ Weight: 750lbs.
Shipping Dimensions:
Cabinet 1: 29″ x 45″ x 87″
Cabinet 2: 29″ x 45″ x 87″
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
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