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Music Gaming Fun At Your Fingertips
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements
A Fantastic Crane For High Traffic Locations
Installed Dimensions: H: 90″ W: 49″ D: 63″ Weight: 700lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Play In The Addams Family World To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H:93.5″ W:30″ D: 63″
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Air Hockey With Sleek Style
Installed Dimensions: H:39″ W:51″ D:86″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: JET Games USA
Make Your Own Rainbow Of Flavor
Installed Dimensions: H: 82″ W: 70″ D:25″ Weight: 850lbs
Height is 74″ w/o the marquee
Shipping Dimensions: Please call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Incredivend
Innovative Claw Machine That Gives You Six Chances To Win
Installed Dimensions: H: 87″ W: 55″ D:51″
Shipping Dimensions: Please call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: JET Games USA
Are you ;D with your basketball skills or X( ?
Installed Dimensions: H: 102″ W: 41″ D: 95″ Weight: 518lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: Please call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Universal Space (UNIS)
A Fantastic Crane For High Traffic Locations
Installed Dimensions: H: 90″ W: 49″ D: 63″ Weight: 700lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Stop The Wheel, Catch The Prize
Installed Dimensions: H: 82” W:27.5″ D: 32.5″ Weight: 362lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Feed Larry The Yeti For Big Ticket Bonuses
Installed Dimensions: H: 98.5” W:36.5″ D: 36.5″ Weight: 441lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 87” W:38″ D: 43″ Weight: 475lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 8A, 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: ICE
Hit The Talking Tom, Earn Points, Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 79″ W:29″ D: 28″ Weight: 154lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 60″ W:31″ D: 31″ Weight: 198lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 200W, 1.7A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Andamiro USA
Operate The ICEE Machine To Fill Fifty Cups Fast!
Installed Dimensions: H: 108″ W:81″ D:36″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bay Tek Entertainment
The Quest For That Perfect Pour Is On!
Installed Dimensions: H: 71.5″ W:28.25″ D: 24.5″ Weight: 185lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 year [cabinet]; 90 days [electronics]
Manufacturer: DSM Arcade / Fun Company
Go On An Epic Quest With Treasures to Find & Dragons To Slay
Installed Dimensions: H: 75.5″ W: 27″ D: 55″ Weight: 250lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 56″ W: 31″ D: 31″ Weight: 280lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 8A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Stern Pinball
Go On An Epic Quest With Treasures to Find & Dragons To Slay
Installed Dimensions: H: 75.5″ W: 27″ D: 55″ Weight: 250lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H: 56″ W: 31″ D: 31″ Weight: 280lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 8A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Stern Pinball
Blast The Crab Toys To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 73.25″ W: 31.5″ D: 78.75″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 51″ W: 33.5″ D: 90″ Weight: 507lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements America
Become A Knight of the Skies, Riding Atop A Majestic Bird
Installed Dimensions: H: 78″ W: 31″ D: 29″ Weight: 280 lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: Please call
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Alan-1 Inc.
A Mystery Prize Vending Machine With A Twist
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Mid-Sized Bowling With A Neon Upgrade
Installed Dimensions: Single lane:
22′ – H: ? W: 40″ D: 264″
26′ – H: ? W: 40″ D: 312″
30′ – H: ? W: 40″ D: 360″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 89″ W: 48″ D: 65″ Weight: 837lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: ICE
Toss Balls Through Spinning Targets To Win
Installed Dimensions: H: 104″ W: 73.25″ D: 45″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 89″ W: 48″ D: 65″ Weight: 837lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements America
Collect Dropped Balls To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 109″ W: 37″ D: 46″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 96″ W: 41″ D: 49″ Weight: 633lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Throw Darts To Win With Those Goofy Minions
Installed Dimensions: H: 112″ W: 45″ D: 105″ Weight: 300lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V, 60Hz
Condition: New
Manufacturer: TouchMagix
Play Over 800 Songs On Giant Japanese Drums
Installed Dimensions: H: 92″ W: 64″ D: 38″ Weight: 463lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V @ 3A, 242W max
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements
NOTE: Quantities are VERY limited right now and units may not begin shipping until Spring 2025. Order now to ensure your spot!
Bounce Your Way To The Bonus
Installed Dimensions: H: 103″ W: 55″ D: 67″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 97″ W: 58″ D: 45″
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Pay Once, Play Twice, Win Big!
Installed Dimensions: H: 103″ W: 58″ D: 39″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 94″ W: 63″ D: 36″ Weight: 480lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Control THREE Claws At Once!
Installed Dimensions: H: 100″ W: 45″ D: 39″
Shipping Dimensions: H: 93″ W: 49″ D: 39″ Weight: 520lbs.
Electrical: 110V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Toss The Discs, Win The Tickets!
Installed Dimensions: H: 119″ W: 41″ D: 107″ Weight: 716lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: Ships in 2 parts
#1 – H: 98″ W: 85″ D: 42″ Weight: 705lbs.
#2 – H: 87″ W: 42″ D: 28″ Weight: 132lbs.
Electrical: 110V @ 3.2A, 350W max (220V Available)
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements / Kaizen Entertainment
Stop The Spin, Win A Prize!
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Zooom Studios
The Quest For Fortune & Glory Awaits!
Installed Dimensions: H:105″ W:71″ D:102″
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bandai Namco Amusements
Shipping Q1 2025. ORDER NOW!
Innovative Square-Shaped Air Hockey Table For Up To Four Players
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V (220V available)
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Barron Games / Zooom Studios
Race and Destroy As Your Favorite Angry Bird!
Installed Dimensions: H: 89″ W: 49″ D: 101″ Weight: 858lbs.
Electrical: 120V @ 1000W max
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Coastal Amusements
Race and Destroy As Your Favorite Angry Bird!
Installed Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: CALL
Condition: New
Manufacturer: DOF Robotics
Race Your Duck Using A Real Water Pump
Installed Dimensions: H:105″ W: 65″ D: 101″ Weight: 650lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: H:83″ W:58″ D: 45″
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Adrenaline Amusements
Featuring A Real Rope For The Controller
Installed Dimensions: H:113″ W: 42″ D: 58″ Weight: 493lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V / 220V Available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Bay Tek Entertainment
A Fun Twist On A Beloved Sport – Now Accepting Payments!
Installed Dimensions: H: 29.5″ W: 35″ D: 77″ Weight: 110lbs.
Shipping Dimensions:
Package A (chairs): H: 38″ W:22″ D:21.25″ Weight: 55lbs
Package B (table): H: 33.5″ W: 57″ D:10″ Weight: 55lbs
Package C (game mat): H:33.5″ W: 49.25″ D: 0.78″ Weight: 7.7lbs
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Subsoccer
Not Just One Crane – But Eight!
Installed Dimensions: H: 84″ W: 60.5″ D: 60.5″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 120V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Nab The Ducks To Win Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 91″ W: 44″ D: 64″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
Use The Force To Win A Galactic Amount Of Tickets
Installed Dimensions: H: 101.6″ W:70.5″ D:40.5″ Weight: 992lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 120V @ 500W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Andamiro USA
Sega’s Solution For Attendant-Free Arcade VR
Installed Dimensions: H: 110″ W: 74″ D: 99″ Weight: 1742lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: 4 pieces
Main Cabinet [Left]: H:86″ W:37″ D:31″ Weight: 534lbs.
Main Cabinet [Right]: H:86″ W:37″ D:31″ Weight: 575lbs.
Seat Assembly: H: 65″ W: 79″ D: 61″ Weight: 1080lbs.
Light Box: H: 20″ W: 69″ D: 32″ Weight: 209lbs.
Electrical: [email protected], 3050W / [email protected], 3050W available
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements
Nine Ways To Grab A Great Prize
Installed Dimensions: H: 77.5″ W: 76″ D: 26″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 110V / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: UNIS
A Vibrant Marble Pusher With An Astrology Theme
Installed Dimensions: H: 105″ W:69″ D: 44″
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V/220V @ 450W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Zooom Studios
A Duo Of Heavy Hitter Prize Games As One
Installed Dimensions: H: 98″ W: 70″ D: 47″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: H: 74″ W: 73″ D: 49″ Weight: 750lbs
Electrical: [email protected], 510W / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements
A Larger Model Made For FECs
Installed Dimensions: H: 100″ W: 57″ D: 57″ Weight: TBA
Shipping Dimensions: H: 80″ W: 60″ D: 60″ Weight: 926lbs
Electrical: [email protected], 520W / 220V
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Sega Amusements
Competitive Fishing Fun For Multiple Players
Installed Dimensions: H: 106″ W: 87″ D:91″ Weight: 661lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 4.5A, 500W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Join Arcade Matt In Climbing The Tower For Tickets!
Installed Dimensions: H: 118″ W: 70″ D:46″ Weight: CALL
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 350W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Defeat The Enormous Monsters And Save The World
Installed Dimensions: H: 119″ W: 68″ D:116″ Weight: 1620lbs.
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 1600W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
Toss Coins Into The Spinning Sea To Win Every Time
Installed Dimensions: H:109″ W:68″ D:48″ Weight:CALL
Shipping Dimensions: TBA
Electrical: 110V @ 360W
Condition: New
Manufacturer: LAI Games
The Most Location Friendly Version Of Halo For Arcades
Installed Dimensions: H: 105″ W: 49″ D: 65″ Weight: 600lbs.
The game is 80.25″ tall w/o the Master Chief topper
Shipping Dimensions: CALL
Electrical: 120V @ 5A
Condition: New
Manufacturer: Play Mechanix / Raw Thrills Inc.
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